The slow return to America

I arrived to the Zadar airport way too early for my liking. “This is the bus you have to take if you want to get there in time for your flight,” the receptionst at the hostel informed me. It got me there more than three hours before my flight. Maybe there will be something toContinue reading “The slow return to America”

An interview with customs

“Where are you going? How long are you here? Where are you staying? How do you know the person you are staying with? How did you meet? How long have you known each other? What does your friend do? What do you do? Where do you live?” The immigrations officer fired question after question at me.

I stood at the counter, silently praying she would stop asking questions and stamp my passport.

Fortunately, she did.

I had spent my entire flight across the Atlantic paranoid. When I went to check in online earlier in the day, I was informed I had to call the airline — that my trip was beyond the limit for travel and a visa was required.

My heart nearly jumped into my chest.

How could I have missed this? I thought I was good to go.