Escape of the Week: Krakow Sunset

Krakow is an easy city to fall in love with, and one of the most underrated. The old portion isn’t too large, so it’s easy to navigate. There’s tons of kebap shops. Clubs and bars make the nightlife one of the best in the region. And, well, it is just plain gorgeous. I spent aContinue reading “Escape of the Week: Krakow Sunset”

Surviving Auschwitz

I didn’t want to go to Auschwitz. In fact, I had been dreading the trip to the concentration camp since I knew I was going to be in Europe. Maybe “didn’t want to go” is not accurate. I wanted to go … but knew it would be an experience that would be achingly painful. AsContinue reading “Surviving Auschwitz”

Being Jewish in the Krakow Jewish District

On my second full day in Krakow, I decided to do my walkabout. I knew there were places I wanted to go — mostly the locations on the map marked with a Jewish star, also known as the Jewish District. I know Poland is seeped with a terrible history as it relates to Jews (andContinue reading “Being Jewish in the Krakow Jewish District”

A Polish funeral and Krakow

When someone questioned me as to why Poland, my answer back was “why not?” When I first decided to go to Krakow, it was because of the city’s close proximity to Auschwitz, as someone who identifies myself as Jewish it was a place I felt necessary to visit. I had heard mixed reviews about Poland.Continue reading “A Polish funeral and Krakow”

Romanian sunsets, Hungarian mornings and Polish afternoons

I stood outside at 22h 40 (I know, very European of me), backpack strapped tight to me, messenger bag slung across my front and purse on my arm. Whew. It was time to depart Cluj and head to Krakow. Via bus. Back to Budapest. When Arpad first told me I had to take a busContinue reading “Romanian sunsets, Hungarian mornings and Polish afternoons”