This time will be different

“This time Israel will be different.” I tell everyone who will listen to me, not really for them, but to remind myself how much I have changed. “This time, I’m going for different reasons.” “This time, I won’t be miserable. I won’t cry into my too expensive glass of wine each night, wishing away my time here.Continue reading “This time will be different”

The lure of Prague

There is a history in Prague — and the rest of Europe — which suspends these places in time. Freezes them in moments only my brain can whisk me to. Old communists blocks in Eastern Europe, bombed out buildings in the former Yugoslavia which wear their pock marks like badges of honor, of a reminderContinue reading “The lure of Prague”

Daily Wanderlust: the Bangkok Bathtub Edition

Bangkok. That never-ending skyline which spreads in all of its sky-scraping glory across the horizon. On descent into the capital of Thailand, most days those buildings fade into the gray of the smog which normally sits stale over the city. But, this past weekend, I could see the city, mainly because I was basically enveloped in it.

I feel the earth move: the earthquake in Chiang Mai

“I want you to take over control … take over control … take over control …” My feet pedal furiously to the beat as I try to sweat the fever out of my body. Six more songs. Only six more until I’m done and can go home, shower and take medicine, then pass out. Except,Continue reading “I feel the earth move: the earthquake in Chiang Mai”

The Europe seduction

There are times I find myself staring at a map, just lost in the possibilities of the world and all of its wonders. Then, the wanderlust begins to bubble up … to slowly seduce me into a world where backpacks, trains, hostels, waking up in a new city are the norm. Are romantic. These littleContinue reading “The Europe seduction”

Celebrating Passover in Chiang Mai

Rabbis clad in the Orthodox suits stand upon chairs, clapping their hands with smiles on their faces as our makeshift congregation of travelers and expats clap along.   “Day-day-enu, day-day-enu, day-day-enu, dayenu, dayenu, dayenu,” we all sing together, accents melting into the chorus of the Passover song. It’s the first night of Passover, the firstContinue reading “Celebrating Passover in Chiang Mai”

The blessing of Chiang Mai

Living in Chiang Mai, I am constantly treated to spectacular visual beauty, thanks to the hundreds of temples and religious activities which regularly occur here. Any given morning, en route to work, I get to see people praying to monks and offering alms to them to bring back to their respective temples. The beauty ofContinue reading “The blessing of Chiang Mai”

Breaking up with booze

The Comfort Zone Project and my quest to not be “fat” in Thailand are leading me down a path of mindful eating, five-day-a-week workout sessions (three of which are with a personal trainer) and breaking up with booze. OK. So, not really “breaking up,” but more like “we’re going into a very restricted relationship. Almost likeContinue reading “Breaking up with booze”

10 tips for visiting Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai, the second largest city in Thailand, is a far cry from the hustle, bustle and general chaos that is Bangkok. I’ve found that there are two types of people who come to the largest city in Northern Thailand — those who love the moat-surrounded city, and those who don’t. If you’re looking forContinue reading “10 tips for visiting Chiang Mai”

Daily Wanderlust: Rainbows in Koh Samui

Koh Samui can be described in one word: paradise. Yes, this gorgeous island located in southern Thailand offers paradise to travelers in need of a break from the crowded Bangkok, the land-locked Chiang Mai or even the backpacker loop of SE Asia. Here, you can unwind in adorable bungalows, sip exotic cocktails, party like you’reContinue reading “Daily Wanderlust: Rainbows in Koh Samui”