10 things to do in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv. One of my favorite cities in the world (not just because my best friend happens to live there). It is a city I have been to three times in less than two years, and located in a country I have been to four times (which is tied with England for top visits). EveryContinue reading “10 things to do in Tel Aviv”

The battle for hope in Hebron: the dual narrative tour

A loud bang permeates the air, reverberating through the empty spaces in the crowded desert city. We jump, but not too much. A few hours earlier, our group of 13 had been warned in the afternoons that Palestinian protestors often take to the streets, and, in response, the Israeli army will fire something which emitsContinue reading “The battle for hope in Hebron: the dual narrative tour”

Where to stay in Jerusalem: Abraham Hostel

When it comes to hostels, I tend to think bigger isn’t better. Why? Well, in my experience, the more people crammed into hostels, the more chances of loud, obnoxiousness (although those travelers can be found everywhere, regardless), and a less safe vibe. Before arriving to Israel, I had planned on staying at Abraham Hostel, despiteContinue reading “Where to stay in Jerusalem: Abraham Hostel”

Behind the wall of Bethlehem

We see it before we even “arrive” to Bethlehem, a massive, concrete wall spanning as far as the eye can see, rolling up and down hills and into the horizon. On top of the wall rest lookout towers, barbed wire and remote-controlled machine guns. As I pull the rental car I am driving up toContinue reading “Behind the wall of Bethlehem”

Driving in Israel

I tentatively press my foot on the gas in the black Mazda. Oh so tentatively. “Oh my god,” I saw to Giselle and Cody, who somehow have agreed to be willing participants in the Great Israeli Driving Experience (which I totally just made up). “I cannot believe we are renting a car. I cannot believeContinue reading “Driving in Israel”

Airport security and Israel

I’ve been to Israel three times now — twice in the span of one year. Other than getting asked if it is safe to travel there (yes, it is and a blog post is coming), I get asked about the interrogation process entering and leaving the country. If you’re planning a trip to Israel, thereContinue reading “Airport security and Israel”

This time will be different

“This time Israel will be different.” I tell everyone who will listen to me, not really for them, but to remind myself how much I have changed. “This time, I’m going for different reasons.” “This time, I won’t be miserable. I won’t cry into my too expensive glass of wine each night, wishing away my time here.Continue reading “This time will be different”

2013: Life-changing moments as an expat

“Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes/Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear/ Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes/How do you measure, measure a year?” — RENT, Jonathan Larson How do you measure a year? This year, it was all about defining moments as an expat in Thailand. Moments that changed my life, momentsContinue reading “2013: Life-changing moments as an expat”

Tel Aviv’s ultimate street art experience

Gilad Uziely, the founder of Mekomy, picks me up on his motorbike, producing a cushiony helmet for me to wear as we zip along the Mediterranean and head towards Old Jaffa. It’s a hot day, and the wind hitting my face is welcome as we zoom down the smooth road and towards the ancient city.Continue reading “Tel Aviv’s ultimate street art experience”