The Adventures of D — A Retrospect

Oh, my little blog. It’s been around since before I decided to take my career break and travel. It’s been around since I one sleepless October night in Atlanta when, around midnight, the words to the start of my story I wanted to share just popped into my head. Then, I was up. Out ofContinue reading “The Adventures of D — A Retrospect”

Escape of the Week: A Silverback in Rwanda

I remember this day like it was yesterday, although it was almost a year exactly since this photo was taken. It was me, Anna, JD, Adam, Jason, and Mary, along with William, a representative from the Rwanda Development Board. We had been invited to visit Rwanda for a little more than five days to seeContinue reading “Escape of the Week: A Silverback in Rwanda”

When motorbikes go wrong

It happened in an instant. I saw a face. A motorbike. Then I heard the awful sound of vehicle hitting vehicle. And then a thud. Then, I felt our SUV roll over something. Oh. My. God. I screamed. Put my hand over my mouth, which was agape. Anna grabbed my hand. We had hit someone.Continue reading “When motorbikes go wrong”

Rwanda, 15 years after the genocide

The next morning, we awoke early for breakfast, where I met Jason, Adam and another reporter, Mary (she was doing a story on politics, not travel, but was still on our travel press trip). We ate quickly because we were being shuffled off on a bus tour of Kigali. We could have slept in becauseContinue reading “Rwanda, 15 years after the genocide”