Daily Wanderlust: the spectacular airplane window view

Oh, America. It’s been four months since I’ve been in this great country of mine. Two weeks ago, I made the long-haul trip from Chiang Mai back to America. It was exhausting. It was long. Damn. It. Was. Long. But, on the other side of the world, there were friends and family waiting for me.Continue reading “Daily Wanderlust: the spectacular airplane window view”

Escape of the Week: The Japanese Toilet Controls

When I landed in Narita for my (surprisingly long, thank you United) stopover, the first thing I did was head to the bathroom. Nine-plus hours on a plane will do that to you. I wanted to take a look at myself in the mirror, see how haggard more than 12 hours of traveling had madeContinue reading “Escape of the Week: The Japanese Toilet Controls”

Crossing the Pacific

The itinerary I had printed a day earlier from UNITED was becoming worn before I even boarded my flight from SFO to Narita, Japan. Yes. Narita. I had learned the day before my trip that the flight that was booked for me from San Francisco to Bangkok was not actually a flight from San FranciscoContinue reading “Crossing the Pacific”