Daily Wanderlust: Budapest’s House of Parliament

A majestic city split into two by the Danube River, Budapest’s House of Parliament is one of the most breathtaking sites in the city. The neo-Gothic structure with Byzantine features is located on the shore of the Danube, on the Pest portion of the city. Its giant dome can be seen from numerous spots inContinue reading “Daily Wanderlust: Budapest’s House of Parliament”

Daily Wanderlust: Chess and Budapest’s train station

I had a hard time in Budapest, mainly because after a month of traveling with people, iut was the first time I was traveling solo. During the few days I was in Budapest, I made sure to head to the baths (even though I fought myself in terms of taking it off while there). OnContinue reading “Daily Wanderlust: Chess and Budapest’s train station”

Escape of the Week: Budapest

Sometimes, being solo and traveling is hard. You see something so breathtaking, so amazing, such an example of the beauty of the world before you … you turn to convey your joy of the moment … and … nothing. The space beside you is void of anyone. There are times when solo travel is exhausting.Continue reading “Escape of the Week: Budapest”

Romanian sunsets, Hungarian mornings and Polish afternoons

I stood outside at 22h 40 (I know, very European of me), backpack strapped tight to me, messenger bag slung across my front and purse on my arm. Whew. It was time to depart Cluj and head to Krakow. Via bus. Back to Budapest. When Arpad first told me I had to take a busContinue reading “Romanian sunsets, Hungarian mornings and Polish afternoons”

D vs Budapest: The down and dirty recap

I departed Madrid with such apprehension. I wanted to stay, but knew it was time to head out and keep traveling. Budapest was the destination, but I wasn’t too excited, despite the marvelous things I have heard about it. I loved being with my new friends, and heading to Budapest meant a departure from myContinue reading “D vs Budapest: The down and dirty recap”

The upside of traveling solo is the same as the down

I stood, lost in thought at the taco counter in Pest.

“Are you OK?” asked the young man at the counter, in English seeping with a beautiful Hungarian accent.

I jogged back into the moment.

“Oh, yeah,” I said, grabbing my metal tray containing a junior burrito and large beer. “Just thinking.”

And I left it at that.

The truth was, I was OK. But, only kindasortanotreallymaybe.