The battle for hope in Hebron: the dual narrative tour

A loud bang permeates the air, reverberating through the empty spaces in the crowded desert city. We jump, but not too much. A few hours earlier, our group of 13 had been warned in the afternoons that Palestinian protestors often take to the streets, and, in response, the Israeli army will fire something which emitsContinue reading “The battle for hope in Hebron: the dual narrative tour”

Behind the wall of Bethlehem

We see it before we even “arrive” to Bethlehem, a massive, concrete wall spanning as far as the eye can see, rolling up and down hills and into the horizon. On top of the wall rest lookout towers, barbed wire and remote-controlled machine guns. As I pull the rental car I am driving up toContinue reading “Behind the wall of Bethlehem”