Rejuvenation at Breeze Spa

Joy, my massage therapist, rolls the hot rocks gently over the back of my legs, sending a jolt of electricity through my body. I’m laying, face down, staring at a bowl full of flowers, breathing the aromatic scent of lavendar and other essential oils, as she slowly works the stones into my muscles, using themContinue reading “Rejuvenation at Breeze Spa”

Life is a dream at Dream Hotel

For someone that has only stayed in one hotel in Bangkok, and no idea where anything is, deciding on a hotel to find in the massive city can be … oh … just a tad overwhelming. So, I simply go to Agoda to research hotels. Given that this trip to BKK — and my escaping ChiangContinue reading “Life is a dream at Dream Hotel”

Facial bliss at Tropicana’s Glow, a Mandara Spa

Review of Glow, a MANDARA Spa, at Tropicana Las Vegas’ Glo2 Facial “It’s been, uh, awhile, since I had a facial,” I tell my esthetician, Jacqueline Zayed, when she comes into the dimly lit room at Glow inside Tropicana Las Vegas. I search the corners of my mind to try and remember the last timeContinue reading “Facial bliss at Tropicana’s Glow, a Mandara Spa”