21 photos from Italy’s Cinque Terre region

Oh, Cinque Terre. With its emerald green tree-topped hills, brightly colored homes crawling up to the sky, steep drops of gray cliffs and a pounding (at times) blue Ligurian Sea, this gorgeous slice of Italian seaside is one of the most renowned — and recognized — places in the world.

Photos of Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy is quite a photographers dream. With the sparkling lagoons, tiny car-free lanes, buildings in a state of beautiful erosion, colors, lights, the historic landmarks and buildings … it is hard not to simply see Venice through the lens of a camera versus simply experiencing the UNESCO World Heritage site. Of course, during myContinue reading “Photos of Venice, Italy”

Exploring the Venice beach

Venice, with it small canals, lagoons and tiny islands, is lacking one major thing: a beach. Or, so I used to think. More than a decade after my first visit to this photogenic city, I have one goal in the quick visit this time around with my momma: Visit the Venice beach I had heardContinue reading “Exploring the Venice beach”

Falling in love with Ljubljana: Part Two

Ljubljana, nestled in Slovenia, is the capital of the small Central European country. Combining Mediterranean beauty with art nouveau and baroque styles, the city is a potpourri of worlds, all meshing together to create a picturesque and gorgeous place. With thousands of cultural events in town, plus no shortage of attractions, along with having theContinue reading “Falling in love with Ljubljana: Part Two”

Falling in love with Ljubljana: Part One

There are few cities which render me gob-smacked quickly. In fact, there are only a few I can count which had me fall hopelessly in love at first glimpse: Madrid, Berlin and Split. And, now Ljubljana is also on the I’m-crazy-about-you list. This gorgeous, whimsical capital surrounded by the Alps to one side and theContinue reading “Falling in love with Ljubljana: Part One”