Escape of the Week: Juxtaposition in Sarajevo

It’s been one year since I was in Sarajevo, a city I fell in love with. The charm of the city. It’s heart-breaking past and triumph of recovery left me overcome with emotion. For a week, I wandered the city streets, crossing over the river, walking past the destroyed National Library, meandering between the European and Turkish buildings, sipping the strong coffee …

While I was there, I visited the airport where an underground tunnel funneled supplies to the Sarajevo troops fighting to maintain a hold on their city. Like the rest of the city, this part of the town was riddled with pockmarks, untold struggles from the war.

This photo is one of my favorites from Sarajevo. To me, it shows that, even with a dark past, beauty and life can flourish.

Published by dtravelsround

Awakening the soul while traveling ... a story of being on the cusp of adulthood.

18 thoughts on “Escape of the Week: Juxtaposition in Sarajevo

  1. I think that’s my favorite photo of yours. It’s absolutely beautiful. And I love what you wrote about it, too. Beauty can always flourish, if we just let it!


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